Open source, cross-platform, really good looking, multi protocol client testing tool

Get it now

Test driven

Assertions are the main reason to use this. Check whether each flowing by message matches what is expected:

  • sent to where it was suppose to be sent
  • contains what it should contain
  • sent faster than the threshold

Multi protocol

Have you seen how many protocols it supports? Out of the box, just one click away from each other, including your own custom ones:

Automated testing with enqueuer

Do amazing things and change the world with Stacker’s command line best friend forever! With enqueuer, you use your stacker requisitions and:

  • run them through command line
  • improve your build system


Have you ever struggled with testing multi protocol flows? Want to ensure that a user journey which involves several steps with different protocols is working properly? Dependencies messages have become a pain? Have you ever wondered how awesome it would be to have a GUI tool to save you from this agonizing pain?
You're welcome


Stacker is the official GUI for enqueuer to handle multi protocol tests. It aims to provide a clean, fun, and good looking interface for interacting with polyglot flows.



This mankind magnificence provides the following capabilities:

  • Support for many protocols out of the box
  • Chainable message flows
  • Easily mock numerous services to alleviate the headaches of functional and integration tests
  • Friendly for developers and non developers
  • Built in assertion library to verify response data coming from/going to your services
  • Built in CLI is easy to add to your team's existing CI pipelines powered by enqueuer
  • Easily extensible behavior through third party plugins, including your own custom ones.



Have you seen how many protocols it supports? Out of the box, just one click away from each other. Write as many protocols plugins as you want your one or download the ones that pleased you most.


You're probably aware by now but it doesn't hurt do emphasize it: stacker provides an amazingly powerful plugin extensible architecture. Stacker community offers support to the following plugins:

Stacker plugin to handle shell commands
Stacker plugin to handle sqs (amazon simple queue service) commands
Stacker plugin to handle kafka commands
Stacker plugin to handle database manipulations

If none of them pleases you, you're free to create your own. Albeit you don't have to share the one you created, we encourage you to do so. Then go ahead and publish yours to npm and add it to our plugins repository.



We'd love to hear your feedback! If you have any comments, suggestions, etc. you can reach us here.


Currently, there aren't any said rules for stacker just yet on committing and submitting pull requests. If you want to aid the project in other ways, consider sending us a star.

Still in Beta

Stacker is still a beta version, so please excuse any small glitches that may occur here and there. They will all be gone soon. :)

Project setup

npm install             # installing
npm run electron:serve  # compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run electron:build  # compiles and minifies for production
npm run test            # run your tests and lints files